One must exercise for Keeping fit.Yoga is the best way to keep oneself calm and in peace.Happiness is in the mind, and the mind is supported by the body – a healthy mind lives in a healthy body.
Your happiness depends on your mind and it depends on your body. Without physical health you can't be completely happy, and without mental happiness you can't be completely healthy. Health is a positive state; not just the absence of a negative one. It's not only the absence of disease. For too long now traditional Western medicine has treated illness as only a disease: an enemy that attacks you and needs to be counter-attacked; but in reality it's nothing more than an imbalance in the natural harmony of body and mind.
True healing means restoring that balance, and true health means keeping it.
Yoga means "to unify." It's the holistic approach to all aspects of life: physical, mental and spiritual. Yoga views the person as a whole; as a unique combination of body, mind and soul, and its techniques maintain that body-mind-soul harmony.
Yoga is all about feeling good.Feel the blood surging through your veins, the energy pulsating through your nerves, the bliss coursing through your whole being. Best of all, Yoga is apt for all, regardless of age, color, caste, creed or religion, from the healthiest to the sickest, from the richest to the poorest, from the whitest to the blackest. And here are some of the specific – and immense – benefits of yoga.
***Brings down stress and enhances powers of relaxation
***Boosts physical strength, stamina and flexibility
***Brings down stress and enhances powers of relaxation
***Boosts physical strength, stamina and flexibility
***Bestows greater powers of concentration and self control
***Inculcates impulse Control
***Helps in rehabilitation of old and new injuries
***Intensifies tolerance to pain and enhancing mental clarity
***Boosts functioning of the immune system
***Enhances posture and muscle tone
***Improves blood circulation
***Results in healthy, glowing skin
***Cleanses and improves overall organ functioning
***Bestows peace of mind and a more positive outlook to life
***Infuses a sense of balance and internal harmony
***Inculcates impulse Control
***Helps in rehabilitation of old and new injuries
***Intensifies tolerance to pain and enhancing mental clarity
***Boosts functioning of the immune system
***Enhances posture and muscle tone
***Improves blood circulation
***Results in healthy, glowing skin
***Cleanses and improves overall organ functioning
***Bestows peace of mind and a more positive outlook to life
***Infuses a sense of balance and internal harmony
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