Exercise is a must through out the life to remain always fit.No doctor will guarantee that you will live longer if you are fit but will tell you that you will live better if you are fit.You can do your daily routines better or as you wish if you are fit.There is direct relationship between health and fitness.Exercise should be done properly and consistently.Cardiovascular fitness should be the prime.
There are so many problems which one can halt or even reverse through proper eating habits and a regular exercise programme to improve the cardio vascular endurance,muscle strength and flexibility.No matter how long its been since you did any regular exercise,your muscles( including your heart) are still just as responsive to it today as they were when you were 20.Start training them on regular basis and you’ll see gains in both strength and endurance.This is true no matter what age you are.
Exercise need not be strenuous or painful.Just light exercise do the miracle.Doctors find that even bed ridden patients who are as out of shape as anyone can quickly double or even treble there aerobic capacity to utilize oxygen with a couple of months of regular, light exercise.
If you really want to maximize your health you’ll need to start working out just half an hour a day.The Harvard analysis concluded that the people who burned 1500 calories a week or more by exercising had 25 percent lower death rate than those who expended less than 1500 calories per week.This is due to reduced rate of heart attacks and cardiovascular disease, since regular exercise improves cholestrol levels and also enhances general circulation.Your heart muscles will also grow stronger and pump more blood with each contraction.
Exercise should be a life long process and one must keep the exercise continue throughout the life vigorous or mild as per the age levels.
nice post about how health is related to exercise. exercise is really necessary for our healthy life. like we never leave to eat food for one day similarly we have to do exercise regularly.
Rick Hughey
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