Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Bio Chemical Angioplasty

 Recently, one person was admitted to a nursing home at Ahmedabad, due to severe chest pain. He had an earlier attack  in 2014 and was under treatment. The doctors now suggested Angiography. 
Upon undergoing Angiography at multi speciality Hospital  Doctors diagnosed multiple blockages for which Angioplasty was ruled out and instead,  suggested 'Bypass Surgery'. 

That evening, he was brought home as  doctor suggested his heart being very weak, bypass could be performed only after 10 - 15 days. 
Meanwhile, after discussing the matter with relatives and close friends, fresh  information came from a family friend. 
A new treatment known as-"Bio Chemical Angioplasty" has been introduced into the Indian medical theatre. 
With this therapy, a patient who has to undergo by-pass need not do so.

Instead, the patient is given about 20 bottles of IV fluids in which certain medicament are injected. The medicine cleans the system and removes all blockages from the heart and the arteries. The number of bottles given may increase depending upon the age-factor and health of the patient. 
Cost per bottle Rs.2000/-

Currently, only a few doctors in India specialise in this field

One of them is DR. Bimal Chhajer MBBS MD Ex Consultant AIIMS

He has a list of patients who had to undergo by-pass from major hospitals; but, instead after undergoing the new treatment, they are absolutely fine and are leading a normal life. 
Doctor's details for your info are: 

Mob: 9712305556
Mob: 9714105556

Availablebl in PUNE

Medicine for BLOOD CANCER  has been FOUND !! 

'IMITINEF MERCILET' is a MEDICINE which CURES Blood cancer. 

Its available FREE OF COST at "YASHODHA Hematology Cancer Institute in Pune. 

Create Awareness. 

It might help someone. 

Yashoda Hematology clinic. 109,  Mangalmurti complex, Hirabag Chowk, 
Tilak Road, 

020-24484214 or 09590908080 or 09545027772 or visit www.practo.com for appointment.

Your desk job is killing you faster than you thought

Your desk job is killing you faster than you thought

Being lazy isn't an option here

Being lazy isn't an option here
In addition to their sedentary office lifestyles, the average man and woman spends three hours watching television when they get home.

The research claims inactivity now takes as many lives as smoking and is far deadlier than obesity.

An hour's exercise is a must

An hour's exercise is a must

Adults who were sat down eight hours a day were 59 per cent more likely to die within a 20 year period than those who were sedentary for four hours or less.

But this risk was almost eliminated if they did at least 60 to 75 minutes exercise a day – and two hours a day would be the the ideal amount.

Not only the heart that's affected

Not only the heart that's affected

Researchers also concluded inactivity is now the main cause of preventable death from illnesses such as disease, cancer, type 2 diabetes and dementia.

Experts believe inactivity gradually reduces our body’s ability to carry out its essential daily tasks.
ThinkStock Photos
A whole series of health troubles

A whole series of health troubles

These include our lung capacity – how much air we can breathe – transporting oxygen-rich blood to organs, digestion and the breakdown of sugar.

Over time, this exposes us to numerous health problems and inactivity has been directly linked to most chronic, long-term diseases including arthritis.
ThinkStock Photos

Older people more at risk

Older people more at risk

Middle-aged and older adults were even more at risk as they do the least amounts of exercise.
